
bolivian warmi

Beautiful! I have just bought a book on this topic and hope to weave something so I will be pestering you with questions I suspect! Why don't you start a group for knotted pile weaving? I know that there are others interested in this. Did you learn from your husband's family?I have no idea where I can put such a loom though!!!

Thumper70 (not verified)

very cool!

"special tools"? I used an herb clipper, a fork (literally a dinner fork) and that was it - I'm curious to know what kit I'm missing. Mind you - I was doing mine purely as an experiment (read this as - he was quite quite clueless!).

Your pattern is lovely, I'm interested inthe loom.


aliced3786 (not verified)

 Special tools: I bought a pair of yarn clippers from the local craft store, a pair of very sharp sewing scissors for trimming the pile, a small tapestry beater and a weighted tapestry beater for beating down the knots. My tabby weft is ePic wool in green but the knots are made with harrisville shetland. I found that the unwashed yarn on cones is a little fine so I doubled it.  The loom is a Mirrix check their website. I love it; the shedding device is awesome.


Finished Length Unit
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Length on Loom Unit

 In 2006 my two sons bought me this Mirrix Loom to weave a knotted pile with. So I warped it and started weaving. I am weaving it slowly since I don't have the special tools but so far I'm happy with it. I designed it myself and in the center it will have my son Rashid's name in Farsi (persian).(My husband is Iranian. ) I hope to finish it by the time he graduates from medical school in 2 years, HA! Because I have a stack of patterns that I amdying to weave. I have used some pictures taken by my other son to create patterns using pc stitch which is for cross stitch and needlepoint.

Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit