

Sue in VT

Should beater be able to go all the way to front beam? Seems like it should, but it gets caught on diagonal bars on left/right that allow Dorothy to fold for traveling. Anyone have advice?

tommye scanlin

On my 1972 Dorothy the beater will hit the side brackets if the top part of the beater moves a bit out to the sides because of the wing nut/bolt holding the beater top on the reed is loose.  That causes the whole bar holding the beater to move sideways just a bit.  Don't know if that's the case with your loom or not.


Sue in VT

Thank you again. I did play some more with adjusting wing nuts and centering beater and get a smooth swing now. On to warping for simple dish towels!

tommye scanlin

I hope you'll post photos in projects of your weaving adventures.


Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles