I'm having a hard time with the temp of 1 degree per minute - i've tried lowering the frame, cover on, cover off, moving the pot - maybe there's a different method that would be easier to the temps to rise more systemematically - rather than surge or stall?

I'm using a big canning pot with about 2 inches of water in the bottom - i have the one pint jar on a rack. i also have a roaster pan or electric frypan i could try if you think it would work better?





Mary - I have a electric heating plate, and it has been touch and go. However I've been taking notes as to what tenp the heater is on and how much it rises in 10 mins. I pretty much rely on those notes now. At the end (dwell time) I am taking the lid partially off and then fully on and check every 5 minutes. I do not have this down and would be interested in what others say.

Karren K. Brito

Controlling the temp. causes people to babysit the pots  or go to a thermostated system. 

A couple of things I can say to try to help.

Mary , try more water in the canner.  The more water the slower it is to heat.

Think 10°C in 10 min. or 15°C in 15 min.  If it goes faster, and you already at the lowest setting; turn it off.

I found that the only way to more or less maintain the dwell temp. was put a lid on the pot, cover it with towels, sit it over the pilot light and check every 10 min. turning the burner back on if needed.

If you are heating a small volume of water maybe a separate pot of boiling water then add some boiling water to the heating water every 10 min. or so.

Mary Rios (not verified)

Karen, Do you start all your notations at 40°C or 20°C?

Seems that i remember you start at 40°C, but mine thermometer registers starting at 20°C. maybe my thermometer is broken?



Mary - I was having problems with the heat rising way to fast and Peggy suggested that I put old towels in the bottom of the pot ( with water) and put the jar on top of that. I just sort of nestle the jar in the towel so it doesn't float around crooked, and have the water on the outside about 1/2 way up the jar.  The heat rises slower but at a steady rate maybe 8 degrees F. per 10 mins. so it takes me longer for the whole dyeing process, but I don't have spikes in temp.

Mary Rios (not verified)

Cool, that sounds like a plan. never in a million years would have thought of that one! 

Mary Rios (not verified)

are we going to do that with full skeins as well?

Karren K. Brito

To dye full skeins you don't need the jars, just an inert pot.

Mary Rios (not verified)

maybe it's easier to cycle through with more water in the pot? meaning, rise of the temperature, leveling, etc...

Karren K. Brito

Yes more water in the pot makes for slower heating, sometimes too slow ;).  I have a 50L pot and it takes a full open resturant gas burner to heat it up at any reasonable rate of rise.