Hi all,

I am scheduling a marketing team meeting for Wed, 23 March to review our tasks and talk about future marketing projects.

It's the Meetup time of year and I am hoping the Community team will assist with identifying fiber festivals and finding members to hold Meetups.

We have 2 days of Meetups scheduled fro MSWF (MD Sheep and wool) and hoping to gather a big crowd.  I need help with finding a "hook"-some way to get people there.  Laverne is NOT coming to MSWF. It would be nice to have someone weaving something as demo.  We have so many weavers in this area.  How do I get this going?



Claudia Segal (not verified)


1.  FInd deadlines for submissions to present at conferences
2.  Put together a calendar for when things are happening to be proactive  3.  Develop mailing list of suppliers/mailing lists for Weavo mailings 
4.  Finish write up for Complex Weavers Seminar-add the internet to your weaving toolbox

What are the benefits to doing this?  How to get started
5.  Using Cyber-Fiber to approach Textile Museums to do a lecture on items in their collection
WEavo provide technology and access to the right audience
Clayton-talked to Cassandra who is coordinating the upcoming conference.

1.  Continue to recruit members to assist with presentation proposal for Complex Weavers
2.  contact The Textile Museum in DC to talk about conducting lecture to hand weavers on WEavo re: something in Textile Museum
3.  contact MAFA re: help spread the word about the Weavo Meetup
at MSWF and we will reciprocate: provide a place for MAFA folks to meet before the conference. COming from VA or MD bring a loom and demo
4.  contact SOAR re: WEavo advertising opportunities
5.   continue to pursue a WEavo presence at VAV in Sept and getting in touch with Tina Ignell
6. Work on expiring ads (3/31) and recruit new ads