Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any advice on starting a tablet weave with a loop at one end, for belts/wristbands etc. 

Ive posted a ramshorn pattern wristband with my first attempt at this but Im sure my method would have led to a nervous breakdown if it had taken any longer.

I cut the warp and created a twisted section halfway along it before threading the cards. The way it worked out there was a horrendous tangle of threads at one side of the twist where the bundle was mixed up into the various colours in a way that seems to have distorted the pattern to start with.


All advice and help is greatly appreciated!


Bonnie Datta (not verified)

This is more complicated in words than if I could demonstrate but here goes...

1.  Make the warp twice as long, and only half the number of threads that you need for the project.

2.  Hold two tablets together and thread the warp as desired for the project, through the holes of both tablets.

3.  When threading is done, take one of the tablets from each bout and slide it to the end of that half of the warp.  These tablets will be inactive for now.  You can loosely knot the warp so the tablets don't slip off.

4.  Mount your warp so you can weave 2"-3" on either side of the midpoint of the warp threads, using the "active" tablets.  Weave a narrow band (or a tube if you are familiar with that technique).  The back half of the warp with the inactive tablets just hangs off the back.

5.  When the narrow band is as long as you want it to be, re-mount your weaving so that the middle of the narrow band is secured and all the warp ends are hanging with their tablets.

6.  Re-arrange the tablets as necessary to get the proper starting position for your flat weaving, and now proceed to weave the full width piece.

There are other ways of doing this, and once you try this you will likely discover some of them.  Collingwood's tablet weaving book has more detail.



Fitzauraya (not verified)

that makes sense, ill have to give it a try. i have plans for a belt but im going to have to practice first

Fitzauraya (not verified)

It worked brilliantly when i managed to get my cards the right way round. took a few tries but im hoping itll get easier next time

Bonnie Datta (not verified)

I'm glad it worked for you, and thankful that you posted this follow-up note.  I could have added that the tablets can be kept in order by clipping them with a clothespin or securing with an elastic band.
