Did you know we are offering basic skills classes right here on Weavolution?  Start by learning how to Use a McMorran balance to figure out the mystery yarns in your stash.  Move on to Learn to calculate warp and weft for your project.  Then, Wind a Warp on a warping board or with a Paddle.  Next step, warping your loom back-to-front or Sectional warping if you have a sectional beam on your loom.

Uncertain about how the technology works or if you have the right equipment?  Sign up for the FREE open house on 10/18 or contact Claudia by leaving a PM (right there on my Profile page just above the projects).  

So many NEW options.  Time to get started and there's nothing holding you back.  Everything you need to learn or review is here on Weavolution.  

Please contact me if there is a class you are interested in and the timing isn't right.  We'll try to work it out.