the additional 4 harnesses and treadles that I am getting from Michael are due to be delivered to me today, if UPS tracking is right.  Now I just need to weave off the baby blankets on the loom now and then the fun of installing the new parts.  I am hoping that I can do that on Friday of this week. Wahoo--I am going to have an 8 shaft loom!!  Now to decide what my first project will be.




DebbieB (not verified)

8 shafts - oh, the places you can go and the things you can do! :)

andsewon (not verified)

Yeah, and she has room for a total of 16!!! where IS that JEALOUS button! Connie

DebbieB (not verified)

isn't it, Connie? You're ISO of a 16H eventually, right?

andsewon (not verified)

Yep! If I could figure out how to add 4 more to this one, I would do it........and I haven't given up on that idea yet. lol Connie

Michael White

Connie, with your woodworking husband you could expand your loom to handle as many shafts as you want. I started playing around (g)where was I, yes with the counter balance system for the 56 inch 16h mac. I will post picture and let you all know how it works out.



andsewon (not verified)

Michael, I agree. I'm pretty sure we could do it. It looks like all we'd really need is just two wider boards for the castle. Mine already as 14 treadles, and I'm sure we could fit 2 more on the loom. (but no more without having to widen the entire loom) Wonder why you couldn't have treadles in two rows like on an organ? Any looms out there with a setup like that? Connie

Michael White

Connie, there would be a few other parts that you would also need, like longer rods, lamm guides etc. but nothing that could not be gotten locally.


Michael White

Install her additional 4 shafts today when I was mowing. Rena was able to get it all together. The only problem was the treadles I shipped her were 4" shorter then what was on her loom. I checked our B4D (Mass made) and the treadles are 26" long, The B4D (York made which I shipped to Rena) also had 26" long threadles. The 56" (Mass made) loom has 26" long treadles, but the 56" (York made) loom has 30" treadles. Go figure, we learn something about Macomber looms everyday. I guess I could ask Sarah what size treadles Macomber is using on their new looms.




Michael White

I have been playing with the counter weight system. I used a gal water jug to get the weight I wanted. I then added pvc pipes full of sand. Here is the predicament, if I add too much weight the treadles work great but the shafts stay up. If I use just the right weight the treadles are still a little heavy to pick up, but the shafts go back down. It this was an easy fix I guess Macomber would be selling a counter weight kit and have a loom like the Weaverbird. Right now I am not using any pulleys, when I do that will change the weight. I will keep playing with this system.


andsewon (not verified)

Michael, When you get this figured out, I'm sure the Macomber boys will want to talk to you! Their air assist set-up is so expensive that most can't/won't buy it. This would help the sale of their bigger models, I'd think. Connie

sewwhatsports (not verified)

and elbows and knees skinned up, but my loom is upgraded other than adding the heddles onto the new frames.  And that is in the plans in the nest few days.  I have to order more super hooks, I only have 24 hooks all together so I need to add at least 20 more.  Then I would have enough for 4/treadle with a few extra.  Maybe I need to order 25...


Michael White

I know where you can find one(g). Cheryl says to look at the drafts you are planning to use to see the number of treadles the drafts are calling for and used this as a guideline. Some 8H drafts call for 6 or 7 tie ups to one treadle. Do you have a treadle depresser? This tool will save you time and is better for your back.

Enjoy your 8Hs,


andsewon (not verified)

I agree, totally. You should invest in the treadle depresser since your back is troublesome. See? 6 or 7 harnesses in some 8-shaft patterns..... I told you so! lol Connie

andsewon (not verified)

Hey Rena! If you do decide to replace those short treadles, I need two more for when DH & I attempt to expand this to a 16H....vbg :o) Connie

Michael White

That is 6-7 harness tied up to one thredle.

andsewon (not verified)

Hi, Yes, I know. Rena and I were talking on the phone the other night and I told her that she may need as many as 6 or 7 hooks per treadle. On the 12H pattern that I'm going to do, I know there is at least 6. Connie

Michael White

talking on the phone, I knew my ears were burning for a reason. I just thought I was in heat, again. It is a firefighter thing, firefighter are always in "heat" (g)


andsewon (not verified)

Oh, that's bad! LOL, I'd never heard that one before! Connie

sewwhatsports (not verified)

there Michael. Just too much information about heat.

And Connie and I have been talking since before she bought her Macomber. We are both night owls and love to chat about all things weaving and looms.

And yesm I DO need to order more super hooks.  That is on the agenda for today.
