We've just started renovating this loom and, as you might imagine, have a few pieces of unknown use and are missing others. I've already figured out we put a few pieces on backwards.


This is a picture of the hardware that seems to go with the cloth beam. One of the pieces has a spring on it.  Any clue?  Also, we're newbies...could have it on upside down! P.S. My husband is not as exasperated as he looks!





Here's a closeup of mine that is currently in use.  It's attached to the handle that you use to take up and retension the warp after you have advanced it.  When it is time to unwind the weaving from the beam, you can lift up the "hook" and it holds out of the way so the beam will roll freely ( also have to flip the holding "hook" back out of the way, too when you do that )  Sorry, don't know the correct terminolody for them :)ratchet detail