I want to weave a bag for my son to carry his drum sticks, mallets and music in.  I have seen commercial bags for this purpose and they are usually made out of Cordura or canvas. This is something he will carry to school 4 days a week, so it will need to be tough, but not too heavy. I plan to weave to weave a length of cloth and then fold it and sew it to create multiple pockets.  There will need to be some kind of closures, either velcro or  zippers or both.  My son and I have discussed patterns and we would like to do something with a few colors in a similar range and separated by narrow black stripes in both the warp and weft.   This will probably be plain weave, but I would consider something else if it would hold up better.  If the structure needs to be more weft faced, the pattern idea will have to change.  I am not sure what yarn to use or what sett. I am thinking about carpet warp.  I have been weaving for a couple of years, but I have mostly only done towels, sticking fairly close to an existing pattern.  This will be my first attempt at designing something, so I would appreciate any input.  I have a 4 shaft baby Wolf with both 10 dent and 12 dent reeds.  I posted something similar on a different forum and got only 1 reply.  Must have been the wrong forum.




crosstownshuttler (not verified)

Hi Suzy,

I would suggest a fairly tightly twisted yarn and a close sett to help resist abrasion. Lucky son to have Mom weave him a bag!
