
Ellen (not verified)

They look great, and it is good to hear that you managed such a difficult weave in several smart ways and came up with both lots of nice fabric and some weaving lessons learned. This is what happens when you weave, isn't it, you always keep learning more about it.

I especially enjoyed your varied choices of colour.

zinniz (not verified)

Thanks Ellen.  You're so right about always learning more.  I love how I'm presented with opportunities for problem solving along the way :) 

cherieann (not verified)

Your towels are lovely!

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

I used a pattern from the Davison book for these towels as my first weaving project with a crackle pattern.  I love how the finished product looks, so I'm definitely going to be doing some more crackle.

This was a tough project to weave because the warp was a cotton single that had good strength, but abraded easily.  I ended up using a paperclip temple to minimize draw-in and also using hairspray as a sizing.  It really did help a ton.  I went from breakages every few picks to having only one or two every yard.  

I had intended to weave 6 towels on this warp.  However, due to the extreme breakages at the beginning, I cut the first towel short at an approximate square shape. It's going to be made into a pillow where the poor selvedges from all those breakages won't show.  That meant I didn't have quite enough warp for a full 6th towel, so I have another one that will be a pillow candidate.  I think they're going to look quite charming (one blue and one purple).  But for now, I just have the towels to show.

I did 2 with an unmercerized loosely spun dark blue 8/2 cotton that's unsuitable for warp, but quite lovely as weft.  2 others are a chocolate brown, and the remaining one is 5/2 mercerized red cotton.  

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit