
davewhiz (not verified)

You did a beautiful job on these napkins. I love the subtle color combination. I'm curious how you finished off the ends because I don't see a hem turned under and sewed up.

ellows (not verified)

There is a hem turned under.  I sergered them apart and since I had put a larger yarn at the 1 inch mark, I could remove it and that is where I ironed the hem and then folded over 1/2 way to the fold line.  I machine sewed this because I thought they could get heavy use.

davewhiz (not verified)

Very nicely done. Thank you.
Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

This was a run of napkins that I made to donate to a luncheon raffle.  I just used some cotton that was in my stash.  I was able to get 9 napkins from my warp, I used the first one as my sample to determine how long I needed them.  However I couldn't figure out why I was getting such long floats until I checked and saw that one of my treadles was not tied up correctly.  So I got 7 usable napkins.  This draft came from an old Handwoven magazine from May/June 1993, page 48.  The directions said to double the warp yarn but I just used a large size yarn. I used an 8 shaft Gilmore, but only used 4 shafts.    I still consider myself a self-taught beginner.  I think no matter how long I weave, I will still consider myself a beginner!

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit