I have confirmed that a student can participate in the Cyber-Fiber classes without a webcam.  Depending on the class, if you are mostly doing demonstrations or using your desktop and documents, you may want to include students who do not own webcams but who have access to a mic and speakers.  I'm not sure if this opens it up to many more people but it might.  

A weaving class like Amelia's and Lillian's and the ones Liz is planning would not be candidates for students without webcams.  

Please let me know if you have any technical questions for me to ask Webex.  You are welcome to contact them yourselves and use the weavolution.webex.com when they ask for your webex account.  The technical support online has a ton of FAQs and help topics which are available here.  To phone tech support call 1-866-229-3239.

Just another option I wanted to share with the group.  I have edited the C-F classes main page to reflect this and to share the calendar view with anyone who would like to see the classes listed as such.



Amelia Garripoli (not verified)

One of my students in two-heddle twill couldn't get her webcam to function. And of course, she then ran straight into problems doing the warping threading, but couldn't describe it -- luckily she could see me, and said she found what I was doing quite helpful, but I got the impression (since I couldn't actually see her side) that she would have gotten a lot more out of the class if I'd been able to guide her through her loom mishap when it happened.

So for those considering whether they require webcams at the participants or not, consider if the students are actively doing things -- if so, you may want to see what they are up to, so you can help them when they run into unexpected mishaps.