Well, this is going to be interesting. I have 7 new colors, none of which are a perfect match for 5Y on the color wheel. Some are not even close -

I'd post my pics before I do anymore to discuss what / where / how...


Mac users: do you have Apple Facetime on your iMac (it's not just for the iphone) ?


$.99 cents for the app
easy to use, we can chat via an email address and have our hands free to show - like webex, only you don't need to arrange a meeting... only draw back is that it's one on one.


also, redid my royal blue. via la difference!


Also, I put my worksheet up on google docs for the formulas I used for this first attempt trial.



I'm gonna go weave now that half the day is over!



Karren K. Brito

I was trying to make a new spead sheet from your info adding in the Munsell notations.  I find 3 different DOS for each sample, one in the red section , a different one in the yellow section and yet a third one in the Blue. 


I have the idea that when something is 50%/50% the amount of dye you should add of each would be the same.What do you think?


I have a lot of formulas from the trials, do you want me to put them somewhere or wait until you get thevnew spreadsheet up? Have a few more chips to wrap then will post pix. I'm building a great library, particularly in the orange and red hues, but no cigars. I have 5Y and 5 YG Though:)

Mary Rios (not verified)

I'll try to explain the 50/50 and maybe you'll understand how i came up with the other notations.

The sun yellow chip i had was a dos of 2.5, so i took 50% of that to calculate the amount of dye i needed, and the mustard ship was a dos of 3.0. so that's how i came up with my notes.

Dye Master: What am i doing wrong? I'm all ears!


Karren K. Brito

There is always more than one way to do something, you'll soon see that with the colors.

So I'm going to try to translate from Maryese to Karrenese and hopefully others will be able to understand your private language.  I'm making assumptions here (assumption are where you usually make mistakes) so please check them.

I assume you are using 1% stock solutions. From your spread sheet # 99728 I see WOF=5.1g,  total dye added is 14.03 mL of which  6.38mL was yellow and 7.65mL was gold.

Using the formula:

    WOF X DOS/%STOCK = total dye

but solving for DOS instead of total dye

    5.1g X DOS/1% = 14.03g (=mL)

     DOS = 14.03g/5.1g x 1

     DOS = 2.75%


and Yellow is 6.38mL/14.03mL= 45.5% and  Gold is 54.5%.   So my formula for this color is

DOS 2.75%

Yellow 45.5%

Gold 54.5%


and if this is the 4th picture from the top, it gives you 2.5Y 7/14.  I was trying to summerize the info from pics and spreadsheet in one table here:

https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0At5cQP4coQiidFZYRjFVYjlsS2xFN05uZUJkU3h1SUE&hl=en#gid=0  I was just taking numbers from your spreadsheet, Mary, but as I recalculate them  I change the color to yellow. I couldn't find any ID to relate the pics to your spreadsheet so I assumed they were in order,  top = 99724 etc.

Cathy, you can start your own spreadsheet or document on Google too.  Whatever is easiest for you. Just don't forget to share it with us.


Karren K. Brito

If you need to add a small amount of one color to tweek your mixed color but you don't have a tool to measure that small amount you can prepare a more dilute stock solution and measure  a larger amount.

For example if you want to add 0.5ml of 1% stock solution of black it is difficult to measure a volume of less than 1mL without specalized pipets.  So I take 10.0mL of the 1% stock and add it to the 100mL volumetric flask, then add water to mark.  I now have a 0.1% stock (diluted ten fold)solution and can measure 5mL to get the amount of dye I want. New stock can be labeled and stored. Do something so that you don't confuse it with the 1% stock--- different colored label??  (experience indicates that they are easy to confuse :).

Mary Rios (not verified)

makes sense - thanks!


Mary Rios (not verified)

Karren on my new worksheet how did you come up with the value in cell E7?

Karren K. Brito

E7:13.06g total dye/4.9g silk =2.67DOS did I get the wrong values from your spreadsheet?  99729

Mary Rios (not verified)

I wasn't sure if E7 was a real calculation or a guess! Thank you.