

What a great idea.  Turned out lovely.


Your colors are amazing. Just what your daughter asked for. Aren't kids great at inspiring us? I love your variations of the weft colors.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

My daughter requested colorful towels for her kitchen as Christmas presents.  Different towels for each season.  Here was the criteria I used:

  • I wouldn't buy any yarn for these projects, instead using only yarns from my stash.
  • I would give her 2 towels for each season and have 2 additional towels per season.  I would have loved to have more 'extra' towels, but time was not on my side since I didn't get the first towel started until after Thanksgiving.  So I warped for 4 towels per season.
  • I would use different weaving drafts for the towels: 1 crackle, 1 lace, 1 straight draw, and 1??  Except I ended up doing 2 straight draw because of the number of colors in the warps.
  • My daughter would get the towels with any weaving errors, selvedge issues, or other imperfections; I'd sell the others.

All towels were woven predominantly with Maurice Brassard 8/2 cotton.  Here are the colors used per towel, and details about other yarns used:

  • Christmas towels: warp: cerise; weft: 1 red, 2 raspberry, 1 gris pale (I thought the pale gray would look like silver with the cerise.  It just looks dull.  I also ran out of warp for this one so it's quite short.)
  • Springtime towels: warp: vert pale, cobalt, handpainted cotton/hemp; weft: 2 jaune pale, 1 orange pale, 1 vert pale
  • Summer towels: warp: homestead cotton baby blue, blue, nassau blue, Maurice Brassard vert pale; weft: 1 pale blue, 1 A Touch of Twist variegated cotton slub, 2 plaid
  • Autumn towels: warp: orange pale, brun moyen, limette pale, orange brule, cerise, jaune fonce, sapin, rouille, olive; weft: 1 orange brule, 1 rouille, 2 cerise



Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit