
sdoak (not verified)

A fun project; turning the fabric sideways to create the vertical stripes made all the difference.

sdoak (not verified)

Turning the fabric to make vertical strips on this bag made all the difference.  

emhoog (not verified)

How very nice! And it looks so cheerful! A beautiful project to use some of your left-overs. The stiches round the opening, did you do them before felting? Els

DebD (not verified)

this is just lovely!  How did you make the flat bottom?  I'm wanting to learn how to make some purses and totes. 

sdoak (not verified)

Thank you.  Sew up sides, flatten out and pinch the points and flatten down to make a triangle, then sew across a few inches up from point.  Look at a brown paper grocery bag, that's how they make the flat botton on the paper bags. :-)

DebD (not verified)

Thanks Sdoak, this was helpful... I'll look at a bag for guidance too.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

This is a plain weave structure; finished by washing in washer to felt. I kept an eye on the fabric as I was washing to insure the quality of fabric I desired, it shrank approximately 30%. After blocking and drying, I turned the fabric sideways to create the vertical stripes on the bag. The height of the bag is the weft and the length of the bag is the warp. After sewing up the sides and making a flat bottom, I created pleats on either side of the opening to give it a curved top. I then added the red tab with button and handles.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit