
bolivian warmi

Gorgeous colors and beautiful texture. I love all this soumak work that you do!

Claudia Segal (not verified)

I love the way you challenge yourself and your materials.  This is a lovely project and you are doing a very nice job.


B P (not verified)

I really like the way the colours you've chosen look antique (faded and old); to me they really suit this project.

Hope you're going to post a pic of the finished pillow!


ruthmacgregor (not verified)

The colours are warm and lovely -- and the texture looks extremely satisfying.  I want to touch it!  Your soumak work really is inspiring.  I look forward to seeing the finished pillow.


SunriseLodgeFi… (not verified)

Another fabulous piece!!!  I can't wait to see it finished! :) 

miryam-chavah (not verified)

i'm so happy & GRATEFUL that you all are so supportive to me while i try to figure all this out! :)

i know soumak is a bit slow going, but its so comforting to me that i am doing something that is SUPPOSED to take longer time (and can't be blamed for being a slow poke again) ;)

thank you all so much


I love Soumak it make curves neat or can give interesting texture such in your piece. As mentioned by many the colors are beautiful. And I love your designing. The bands of color going into the geometric just serve as the perfect frame for your piece. I really enjoy your work. It is very well done. Thanks also for the close ups so we can really see the process.


Also what is the lovely weaving technique on the vertical side edges?

miryam-chavah (not verified)

thank you for your compliments Cathie

those outside edges in middle-segment were done in greek soumak.... only 2 knots per warp, not 3, in the edges there (the rug-wool i'm using is very thick)...

i'm just so in love with how "serpentine" it strikes me to use that stitch going vertically up so few warps (my name IS "Chavah" after all haha) ;)

SunriseLodgeFi… (not verified)

LOVE the diamonds!!!

francorios (not verified)

Bravo! I can feel harmony in the design and colors.

I like this! What is that loom called?

Have a joyful day!

miryam-chavah (not verified)

thank you Franco & Sunshine-Lodge  :)

and Franco, this loom i use is a small Schacht tapestry loom i bought from Halcyon Yarn in Maine... here it is:

be well!

kendrick43 (not verified)

I love soumak.  It may be slow, but definitely worth the time.  Great job!


Yeah, it's off the loom! As you've said it's going to be a pillow, I'm wondering if you're going to tuck the warps into the pillow or if you're going to finish the warp ends and let them hang?

miryam-chavah (not verified)

Cathie: after i post more of my work, you'll probably see i prefer to finish warp ends as macrame... i'm honored to merit working with my Ancestors, they the ones who call the shots on the designs haha.. we keep the fringes most of the time...

CreativeWhimsy (not verified)

I love your sense of colour!! Please keep up the great weaving!

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doing 3 rows of each color, weft-face, and then soumak row before going back to weft-face.....

orange & green yarns are done in middle-row there of "oriental, closed" soumak, the brown & yellow's middle-rows are being done in the greek, those last 2 colors were not as "tall" from fabric & more even if i did only 2 knots per warp, but i changed mind and did them 3 knots instead..... i'm digging the uneven'ness of it all makes me think of pebbles of sand and bark on trees....

the weft yarns are very thick, super-bulky.. a Halcyon rug-wool...  me likes :)

edit: you can see that i tied some of the warp-threads together in center panel (just tied them so i didnt accidentally forget to treat them as "one").. i had 90 warp threads, and gave me 3 panels of 30, but wanted to have those panels be odd numbered... specifically wanted 9s too, 9 sets of i had the left panel give 3 warps to a little outside border, and did same with right panel, and in center panel i tied 3 of its warps to neighbors.. tada. i gots my 9 sets for each panel now..

EDIT: 28 July, i have darned all the ends & also did a bit of a running-stitch on the back-side of the pillow-top, so that all of those little kilim-squares of color are attached (well) at their corners... i wanted to reinforce it a bit so that the pillow won't mind people sitting down on it (hard!) ;) and have also finally decided what sort of finishing to do with those warp-ends there, just a  little knot-making & beading... still have inkle i want to make for side of pillow, and will sew either denim or burlap to be its "bottom" but haven't decided yet..

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