
B P (not verified)

Your Double weave(?) design looks like fun to weave!


dldavy (not verified)

can you tell me more about how it works?  Are you just weaving with a black yarn to make a warp faced weave? I ahve been trying to figure it out.  I have never done double weave before.




davewhiz (not verified)

There are a lot of good books out now on doubleweaving. Once I learned how to do it I didn't want to do anything else. It is so much fun. Yes, I used a black silk yarn the same weight as the warp yarn so that the colors in the warp will stand out. With double weave the colors are reversed on each side, so the back side is the exact opposite of the front side. It also makes a very substantial fabric since it has two layers which can be intertwined or separate layers. For this pattern that I am doing you need an eight shaft loom. I started with a rigid heddle loom which is so easy to use, but limited. It is really not possible to doubleweave on a rigid heddle loom. Since I got my eight shaft loom the sky is the limit! I think I will use more subtle color changes for my next project.

davewhiz (not verified)

Yes, you are so right. This is the first time that I have worked with silk, the colors are vibrant, and the sheen is beautiful.

bolivian warmi

Lovely! What inspired the design?

B P (not verified)

Thanks for posting a pic of the finished shawl. It's beautiful!


Neshobe (not verified)

Beautiful. And I bet it's luscious to curl up with, too. Silk, mmm. I am so ready for an 8 shaft!

rigidheddlewea… (not verified)

This is absolutely goregous and I am in awe.

You can double weave on a RH loom. Anyone with a RH loom who wants to know how, this is how:

miryam-chavah (not verified)

wonderful job, davewhiz! :)

i want to sneak a nod the rigidheddleweavingcom person above me... rigid heddle looms can be a bit under-rated at times i think ;)


Really nice block and color design, it all works together very well!

davewhiz (not verified)

The pattern was in a book I had. It was designed to be a placemat. I enlarged it and used silk instead of cotton. I love the way it came out. It is just beautiful.

sdoak (not verified)

Really outstanding and nice work.

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit
Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit