
Badfaerie (not verified)

It's lovely! I'm sure it will be nice for something.

sally orgren

This looks like a fantastic project, and your pick up design is well-executed! I hope you will post the finished apron. Don't discount that there might be some take-up and shrinkage when it is removed from the loom. (You plan to wash it, right?) So the fabric might be just fine when finished.

Kristina (not verified)

Very pretty. Maybe you can show some pictures of the Pic-up-process??

Das ist ja sehr schön. Wie geht das mit dem Pick-up am Webrahmen?  Du bist ja noch am weben. Vielleicht kannst du ja mal Bilder einstellen, die zeigen wie du das Pick-up machst??. Das wäre toll.


Fliegenpilz (not verified)

The pick-up is not difficult, but time-consuming. Especially because my pick-up-stick is not as long as the weaving width, for this I have to "park" the shuttle in the picked shed, remove the stick, do the second-half-pick-up and slide the shuttle forward.

The pick-up is easier to do, if the shed hasn't been opened very wide. This works well, because the shed is already slightly opened when the heddle is in the neutral position. In the down position, I have to press the warp threads to a flat surface to manage the picking. Therefore, tension shouldn't be too high.


Das Pick-up ist eigentlich nicht schwer, nur sehr zeitraubend. Vor allem, weil mein Pickup-Stick nicht so groß ist, wie der Rahmen breit ist. Deshalb kann ich immer nur die erste Hälfte "picken", muss dann erst mal das Shuttle reinschieben, um den Stick wieder rausziehen und die zweite Hälfte "picken" zu können.

Auf jeden Fall hab ich gemerkt, dass das Pick-up um so leichter geht, je weniger weit das Fach geöffnet ist. Wobei ich, was das angeht, wirklich Glück habe, denn das Fach steht in der neutralen Position schon ein wenig offen, was reicht, um weben und gut "picken" zu können. Beim zweiten Fach muss ich ein wenig auf die Kettfäden drücken, um sie auf eine Ebene zu bekommen. Deshalb darf die Kettspanung nicht zu hoch sein.

Bilder? Okay, ich probiers mal:



Kristina (not verified)

Danke Anja für die Bilder, jetzt verstehe ich wie`s geht. Auf die Idee bei einem Leinwandgewebe Pickup zu machen war ich noch nicht gekommen. 

Thanks for the pictures. now I understand. I didn`t had the idea to do pickup with tabby before.



francorios (not verified)

Thank you for the link to the pictures.

I've been wanting to try a new technique on my rigid heddle loom.

Have a good day!

ruthmacgregor (not verified)

I love the way your pick-up pattern echoes the pattern in the band (which I imagine will be the waistband for the apron, yes?).  It's nicely thought out, and I think it will be beautiful.

Will you post photos when you've finished?



I really like the pick-up design.

Sharon Carey

Karren K. Brito

The diagonal stripes are stunning; I have not seen a bold design like this being woven.  The band is stunning also, can't wait to see the finished apron.

Kristina (not verified)

Das ist ein richtig tolles Stück geworden. Dein Design ist in sich stimmig. Ich bin ganz begeistert, wie das Pick up Muster und das  Band zusammenpassen.

You did a great job!  Your design is consistent. I'm excited how  the pick up pattern and the tape match.



graciela (not verified)

A delicate project in a seemingly simple loom. Thanks for sharing the pictures and design!. Graciela

bolivian warmi

I just saw this on the home page. I think I was traveling when you posted it and missed it. This is so gorgeous!!

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

This is supposed to become an apron that I will use for spinning. Doing mere picking-up, I am not sure how stable the fabric will be when finished. Maybe I better should have chosen overshot.  *hmpf* :-(


The weaving was very slowly, but that did'nt matter because the apron is supposed to be part of my tools that I use for making shamanic power-objects and for such tools, mindfulness and concentration is very important anyway. Now that the weaving is done and I washed it, the fabric gained more stability. After drying, I will sew the borders and finish the "Jostenband" in order to attach it as the waistband...


Today I finished the apron and I am very happy about the way it came out. It was a slowly process, all manually done, but it's worth the effort.

Number of Shafts
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit