
sally orgren

What size chenille did you use? (in yards per pound) and at what sett?

It almost looks like there is some glitz in there too— it's sparkly in the sunshine! I'll bet it feels GREAT.

planttapestry (not verified)

Very lovely scarf, the color effect is very nice.

I've been scared off trying twill with Rayon chenille so I've been stuck doing plain weave.  I would love to know what YPP and sett also and how twill holds up for you with it.


I do hope you answer, it seems not many questions in projects ever get an answer. thank you.


clanglois (not verified)

Hi!  I am sorry I didn't respond earlier.  I am pretty new to this process.

The scarf is woven 20 epi with a 1450 ypp chenille.  One is varigated (olive, forest, oxford) and the other is a plain wine.  The pattern was from Handwoven sept/oct 1998 and it is a Shadow weave.  I am not sure if that is considered a twill or not.  

This is my first chenille project. I was disappointed in the fringe - it kept unraveling.  

If you have other questions, I will check back more freqently.  Thanks for the email heads-up!


TNWEAVE (not verified)

I see that the draft is for a 8 shaft loom, but you used a 4 shaft loom, how did you adjust the draft to work on the 4 shaft loom? I have the same loom that you have. Would like to try a project like this, but don't know how to adjust the draft to a 4 shaft./ Thanks

clanglois (not verified)

There are two patterns in the magazine.  One is for an 8 shaft and one for a 4 shaft.  The pattern I used is Chenille Lightning Scarves.  I used the draft for the Chartreuse Scarf.  If you have that magazine, the draft is on page 68.  At this point, I wouldn't know where to begin to convert a pattern from 8-shaft to 4-shaft.  

Dawn Hamilton is the designer and wrote that the pattern comes from a book: 1000 (+) Patterns in 4, 6, and 8 Harness Shadow Weaves by Marian Powell.  The pattern for the chartreuse scarf is pattern 4-23-2.

Could be worth looking at the book.  I really like the way the pattern turned out!

knitflix (not verified)

That's a beautiful scarf, congratulations! I was looking at the measurements on and off the loom and am amazed at the shrinkage. 112" to 56"? I have a plain weave chenille scarf on the loom right now that measures 78" and I was thinking it would end up around 70" inches after finishing, but if it shrinks 50% I'll have about 40". Any words of wisdom? Also, did you end up re-doing the fringe or plying multiple ends together and knotting the ends?

ETA: Or, maybe the 112" refers to the total warp length, not the woven length on the loom? (I'm new to all of this. Can you tell? lol)

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Pattern from Handwoven Sept/Oct 1998.  Draft for Chartreuse Scarf.  Total ends 216.  Finished fringe length 4".  Finishing:  immersed scarf in lukewarm water.  Squeezed dry and put in washing machine on gentle spin.  Put in dryer on cool dry for 30 minutes.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit