I recently read Jennifer Moore's "Triple Delight" in the September/October 2015 edition of Handwoven magazine.  To my surprise, there wasn't a tie up and treadling for the project or any project notes at all.  I have her book on Doubleweave, but not surprisingly, it's not there either.  Does anyone have it or can anyone tell me where I might find it?  Thanks!


Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

I do not have that issue, but I think it is nice to see additional work by expert weavers, not only the simpler pieces that they have designed to fit the parameters of a magazine. It is unusual to see these in Handwoven. If Jennifer chose not to include the draft in the magazine, either the draft was too large to fit on a page or she did not want to see a lot of copies of this piece. Her book came out some years ago, so this could have been woven more recently. I expect that the person who has the draft is Jennifer. She's very nice.

Bonnie Inouye


Bonnie, thanks very much for your reply.  Do you have any idea how I might contact her?

Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

I would start with the email address she provides under "Contact" on her website. I can't think of a weaving teacher who doesn't use email. We cannot always respond instantly- we teach 3-day workshops in various places and need time to travel, teach, etc. Occasionally I get an email from somebody who has seen one of my pieces in an exhibit or a photo online and they want to have the instructions to copy that. If the piece has been in a publication with a draft, then it's OK. Otherwise I encourage other weavers to learn how to create new drafts of their own. It's lots of fun. When you find a woven piece that you really like, figure out what appeals to you and how you could use those colors and/or a similar design or maybe it's the weave structure... in your own work.  Jennifer uses hand manipulation in some of her work- it isn't always a design in a draft (loom-controlled design).


danteen (not verified)

I posted a draft for a triple weave fabric using a 2/2 twill as the center section similar to Jennifer's draft.  I followed her schematics at the bottom of the article to prepare the tie-up and treadling repeat by labelling each line in the drawing with the shafts I'd raise for that part.  Used shafts 1,2 for the middle layer of plain weave as seen in the schematic.  Used shafts 3,4 for the bottom and 5-8 for the twill that will be on top in the weaving and in the middle when the cloth is unfolded.  I think it is all right, but have not woven it.  Maybe someone else has followed up on this and can see if I've made any errors.  I did twill in the middle because I could do that in my head quickly.  If you can take the wif and rearrange the treadles it might be easier to see what is happening in the tie-up.  With a more irregular treadling you can do it with 8 treadles.  That is the wif that is "rearranged"

Teena Tuenge


Bonnie, Thanks very much.  I appreciate the perspective.  I'll try to find Jennifer through her website.


Teena,  Thanks very much.  I think that would be very helpful.  Where did you post that draft?  On this blog or somewhere else? 


Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

Teena was very nice to take the time to do this. She posted it as a wif file in the folder, "Drafts", here in Weavolution. Look at the grey bar across the top of the screen. The first tab is "Projects" and the second is "Drafts". You will need to use weaving software to read the wif file. A free demo version will do. Weaving software is extremely helpful if you want to learn how weave structures work and to create new drafts.




Thanks very much for the instructions about where to find the drafts that Teena posted.  I didn't realize that those drafts were posted by those who participate in the forums.  I obviously have a lot to learn about navigating the site.  Fortunately I do have a computer weaving program so I am able to open and look at what Teena was kind enough to put together.



With some navigation help from Bonnie I was able to find the drafts you were kind enough to create and post.  That was so very nice of you.  Thank you!

I was able to download them and open them in my weaving program.  I've been weaving for a fairly long time (almost 20 years) but I'm not a whiz at drafting, to say the least.  (I usually follow drafts created by others -- I have learned to modify them but not create them from scratch unless they're fairly simple.)  So, I've looked at what you sent.  I want to take time and really study it.  I look forward to eventually getting it on my loom. 

Thank you very, very much for all your efforts.

danteen (not verified)

If I get some time to work on the bronson lace threading for the middle section of the triple weave, I'll let you know.  I don't do much lace, so would have to study up some to make sure what I was doing was correct.

If you have any questions specific to the draft I posted, let me know.  You can pm me if you like.




Thanks so much Teena.  That's very kind of you.  I'm so grateful for all the help.  Yes, I'll be in touch if I have any questions after I've studied the draft you posted (still at work at the moment.)

Thanks again!