I just posted some pictures on my profile page of a Weaving with Wire class I took last weekend. We used .... Easy Weavers! It was really fun an the rigid heddle looms are just the perfect thing for this material.  We used Artistic Wire.. which comes in gorgeos colors and very fine guages... like 30-34, it's coated copper and doesn't mess up your loom at all.


claudia (not verified)

What did you use for weft with the wire?  Your project is lovely.  Thanks for posting pictures.


Robweaves (not verified)

Very interesting! Is there infromation anywhere on how to warp a RH loom with Artistic Wire?

Syne Mitchell (not verified)

You should check out Inge's lovely article on WeaveZine: http://weavezine.com/content/wired-weaving-wire-rigid-heddle-loom

claudia (not verified)

Hey Rob,

If you are anywhere near Austin, you could contact Marie Carmel, she uses the name ingamarie on Weavolution, and see if she is teaching any classes in how to weave with wire.  You could also just PM her here and ask for her advice.

The purse she made for the Weavezine article looks lovely. She is also working on other ideas.

Claudia, Weavolution co-founder

(I am technically on vacation but dropped in for a moment to see what's going on with the RH group)