What's the secret to threading 3 in a slot in the reed?  I'm a front-to-backer, and the sett I'm using calls for 3-2-2-2-3-2-2...  This is the second project where the beaming is just horrific.  The 3 threads get tangled in the heddles and what should be enjoyable turns into a nightmare - having to stop every couple of inches to work out the tangles.  Any suggestions or tricks?




Maybe try back to front next time a compound sleying is required? It is a good idea to know several different techniques because no one method will work well in every situation. :-/ If you haven't finished beaming, try applying tension to the warp. That will sometimes help. But yes, 3 in a dent FTB will pretty much be a problem in my experience. That is the primary reason why I stopped beaming FTB I was trying to beam 2/20 mercerized cotton, three per dent in a ten dent reed and it was a nightmare. :( Hope you can get the warp dressed so you can get to the shuttle throwing... Cheers Laura

Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

Are you using lease sticks? These help to maintain the cross that you formed when preparing the warp chains.



I am having the same problem right now too!! I think I will try back to front next time because of this problem. I have 3 per dent in a 10 dent reed and every couple inches I have to untangle at the heddles!


Hi Jessie I have posted video clips to you tube on many aspects of weaving which you may find helpful. User name lauraannfry1 Cheers Laura

Monica Bellas (not verified)

Thanks, Laura and Bonnie.  Unfortunately, I've got a sectional beam and none of the "equipment" to do b-to-f.  :(  I really was hoping there was a trick involved.  Ah well, I guess I'll have to untangle.


Dena (not verified)

I work front to back and when I've got too many in a dent or a really sticky yarn, I have found that putting lease sticks in between the reed and the heddles while beaming on works.  It is still finicky, but you can easily see what you're dealing with. 

Were your fingers in between the threads while winding so the threads aren't twisting around each other?


You don't need a whole lot of 'extra' equipment for btf.  I rough sley a reed (simillar to ftb except I don't thread the heddles), wind on - just like you appear to be doing with ftb.  I do have lease sticks - 3 of them - but that's essentially it....




Yes, and after winding on, you thread the heddles, then the reed, then tie to the front, making sure the tension is even.


The swedish way, is that the reed is the warp spreader with back to front weaving, so it is rough sleyed like Laura does. No need for a raddle. But I'm wondering how you wind the warp with a sectional to get the tension even if there is no tension box or warping wheel, spools? Sounds like a slow process unless your doing real short warps. Doesn't seem to be good tension on the yarn if it's bunching up in the heddles.I'm just wondering how tension is going to be consistant across all those sections.


Reedguy, if you look at my video clip on You Tube you can see exactly how I beam my warps.  I do this on plain beams and my AVL which has a sectional.  



I call my method 'modified Swedish' because I slightly changed how it is traditionally done in Sweden.




I have a dial-up connection here, so video is out. Even a blog is often not too friendly because images only need be about 50 K, but everyone loads huge image files. They don't show anymore detail, but that's how it is. ;) I even block out some elements of this site (and others) with AdBlock Plus. Some of the long threads that are image intensive sure take awhile. I'm not complaining, just letting you know how it is. :)

sally orgren

seems to lead to a foreign site. Not sure what happened.

You may not want to follow that tiny url until it is corrected.

Monica Bellas (not verified)

Thanks, ladies and gentleman.  :)

Dena -- I was winding the warp one thread at a time, so no twisting there.

Laura -- I'll have to take a look at your video on b-2-f with the reed.  Sounds interesting!

In the meantime, I did manage to get the warp beamed and have been happily weaving it.  I was, however, really frustrated with the beaming process, so next time I have a warp with 3 or more threads per dent, I'll  give some of the suggestions a try.

Thanks again,



I may have made a typo and I'm not home at the minute. My user name us lauraannfry1 If you go to you tube and search for my user name you should get to my channel. There are lots of videos posted showing various aspects of the weaving process. Reed guy, I do understand about dial up. I only got a high speed connection a few years ago. Laura


Laura, I have uploaded video to Youtube, but they are 1-1:30 minute ones that are uploaded after bedtime, so they do there thing over several hours. Sigh. :) There's lots of stuff I don't subscribe to, I'm even still on rabbit ear TV, which is digital from the US. CBC is digital now, but we don't get a digital tower. And it's not important enough to justify paying a satellite service. ;)

They tell me, the ones that get Bell broadband, it isn't good enough to even see Netflix, so pretty much not worth much. And Xplorenet cuts you off to dial-up speed on their satellite service after so much MBytes, so that's not much use neither.


Hi Monica,

Only just seen your question so you might have found the answer by now! I used to get tangled up like this but I have found 2 different methods to solve it.

First comes from Madelyn van der Hoogt at Weaving Today; she transfers the cross from in front of the reed to behind the reed (after sleying) so that you can thread easily. Sorry I haven't got a link, but it will be on the Weaving Today site.

Second method comes from a book by Cay Garrett 'Weaving all by Yourself': she ties string all the way across her reed to make separate spaces for each thread in the dent. So for 3 threads in the dent, you tie 2 strings across (pretty tight) to make 3 areas. You put in your warp threads always in the same order from the cross - I go 'bottom space, middle space, top space, next dent bottom space' etc. When you come to thread, you start from the bottom space and work up and then go to the bottom space on the next dent. This keeps the threading in the same order as the cross. You remove the strings once you have finished threading.

This is certainly a time-consuming method but it works very well for me. I make up the time I spend on it when the threading and weaving are so easy. Hope this helps.

Weeweaver (not verified)

Back before I got one of the first warping wheels AVL sold, I used to wind each section on my warping board, then wind them on the loom by hand, pulling the warps tight every few rounds. I had all the sectional equipment, but the room my loom was in was so small I couldn't use it. Now, happily, I have plenty of room, the Warping Wheel, and the sectional warping equipment, just in case I ever need it, loll!

jlread (not verified)

I had the same issues with my dial up and there was NOTHING else offered here.....Finally, I tried a Verizon Jet Pack in desperation. I get 4G LTE now....the cost is more than dial up but who needs to fight with dial up all the time!!!!

Hi Wee....what's up...... up there in cold Maine?

Erica J

Laura's videos are awesome! I just used her warping valet video to use my warping valet for the first time!

I also recommend taking Daryl Lancaster's Warping Front to Back Class here on Weavolution's CyberFiber. Amoung other many useful tips, she shows a way of sectioning the reed which really helps when warping front to back with multiple threads per dent.




Jlread, your talking about service that might as well be on the moon, because we don't have those companies here. Also, I'm not desparate for speed because I don't use video per se or require it for anything worth while. I also have Firefox add-ons that I can use to clip out web content that I don't want loaded on a page. It also makes all ads disappear. My main forum I go to limits photo sizes to about 60 KB, lots of memory to show what 4000 kb will show. Those kinds of images are fine for printing, but for web browsing and designing is improper and not neccessary. People have become accustomed to it because broad band has made folks complacent. I mean a solid color bar of 600 kb on a header of a website? 20 kb will show the exact same. Little annoyances. ;)

Monica Bellas (not verified)

Weavingmoggy -- Thanks so much for the tips.  I recall seeing something about placing string across the reed - thank you for explaining how it works.  I'll definitely use that method next time!


sally orgren

Monica, I agree in your thanks to Weavingmoggy!

These are both key pieces of information for front-to-back warpers. 
