Welcome to our group!  We'd like to get to know you - please say hello and tell us a little bit about yourself! 

We'll get the ball rolling:  The staff at The Woolery Well, is a little rambunctious!  We like to laugh, are completely devoted to our customers, and feel very passionately about the community of crafters we serve.  The shop is staffed daily by Nancy (answers most incoming calls, orders all of the inventory, and keeps everyone calm), her husband Chris (fumbles around trying to keep up), the other Nancy (most excellent teacher and very knowledgeable in all aspects of fiber arts), Anita (the knitting queen, spinner, and weaver), Dara (spinner, weaver, knitter, and dyer—to name a few), Rebecca (spinner, knitter, and rug hooker), Judy (our shipping magnet), Connie (our web guru), Anna (newest member, theater buff, and kumihimo lover), and Christian the dog (he thinks he is in charge and keeps the delivery people hopping, requiring a treat if you come in the shop).


sally_libby (not verified)


I am Sally, I am your neighbor. I live in TN. I support your store. What I don't buy my fellow guild members do. I live in far NE TN  with my mother (97 yrs young), my husband (who weaves also) and 6 dogs. I buy a lot of a lot a Schacht products as we have a studio full of Schacht looms. We have the Pup, Baby and Mighty Wolves looms as well as the Schacht Inkle loom. I also have the Matchless and Ladybug spinning wheels. I love the Woolery. They get me what I need, when I need it. Right not I am working on a scarf. Sally

fifthoffive (not verified)

There is no store carrying weaving yarn near me, so I love to drop by the Woolery when I'm visiting family in Lexington.

My mother doesn't do any "yarn art" (she's a quilter), but she loves to visit the Woolery to admire the equipment and revel in the myriad of colors on display.


spunlady (not verified)

I am from Michigan, and have been weaving for about 30 years. That sounds long when I say it, but I don't actively weave all the time. A full time job and lot's of volunteer jobs keep me from weaving and spinning.  I just took a silk / cashmere scarf off the loom and planning a new project for a guild napkin exchange.  I have never been to the woolery, but have been an on-line customer for many years.  We don't have shops that are nearby and so I shop mostly from the internet.  Would love to visit the shop someday.

Stripeyspots (not verified)

I'm a beginner weaver and literally have been handheld through the process by the nice people on the other end of the phone line at The Woolery! I trust them completely...


I love the Woolery! Every time I drive through Kentucky to visit family I make sure to stop. I always receive great service, in person, online, and by phone & Christian makes me feel so very welcome.

I'm in the process of restoring a Macomber loom to useable status--so nothing going on right now. I do, however, keep adding to my stash so that when the loom is ready I am as well.

The WooleryGuy (not verified)

Thanks for joining our group, Sally!  Can't wait to see your scarf when it's done!

The WooleryGuy (not verified)

Thanks for sharing, Sara - welcome to the Woolery group! 

The WooleryGuy (not verified)

Thanks for joining our group - we're glad to be your online source for weaving supplies!

The WooleryGuy (not verified)

That's what we're here for!  Thanks for joining our group - yet another place where you can ask questions and get help when you need it!

The WooleryGuy (not verified)

Thanks for joining the group - can't wait to see your Macomber restored to its original glory!


I'm new to the Woolery and glad I found you.  I live in a rural area east of San Antonio, Texas.  I'm new to weaving because I have only been weaving for about 4 years and still have lots to learn.  Recently, I have retired as a High School Art Teacher and want to spend this year participating in fine art and upperscale craft shows.  Currently, I am getting ready for the local festival here in October and a juried craftshow in Fredricksburg, Tx. in December.  There aren't any suppliers locally, so I usually shop online.  Love the Woolery because they have made sure I have what I need in a very timely manner.  I hope to actually visit the Woolery some day soon.

sally_libby (not verified)

When you go visit the Woolery, just keep coming east a little futher and visit me. I grew up in San Antonio. Lived in TX most of my life.

Theresa Kelley (not verified)

Hello! I found your website while searching for yarn shops to visit while traveling. Almost didn't get to stop as hubby was focused on getting home. Anyway, I knew what I was after -- a Kromski Harp -- and managed to dash in for a quick tour and purchase of loom. I have since ordered items online and am pleased with the service. I also visit your website when in need of some eye-candy and wish list items :) BTW -- I LOVE my Kromski and have made severl shawls and clergy stoles which I hope to sell at our upcoming church convention.

The WooleryGuy (not verified)

ttkjohn & Theresa Kelley, thanks for joining!  We're so glad you've found what you needed through our site and shop!


I also live in Arkansas, but in the NW, so I never get to drop by.  I've been weaving on a 20 h Macomber for more than 30 years, and also have a 8 h Baby Wolf that I take to demos at state parks and museums, where they make me dress in costume (yuck). On the Macomber I have a 16 h undulating shadow weave (my draft) for a dress in 10/2 cotton from you guys, and on the Baby Wolf a 8h network twill that I've used for a shawl and throw pillows in 3/2 cotton odds & ends, also from you guys.

That said, I'm more of a spinner than a weaver.  While I have local wool & alpaca sources on the hoof, I've frequently bought fiber from you.  I'm very excited by your sampler kits and have put links to them on my Amazon wish list.

The WooleryGuy (not verified)

Welcome!  Hope someone treats you to a fibery gift for the holidays!


Hi - I did a little bit of weaving about 10 years ago but became disabled & couldn't use the floor loom. I just got a new (to me) Dorothy Leclerc Tsble Loom so will start weaving again very soon. I'm in a fiber sculpture class so may not get to weave until end of semester but am already doing some planning as there is a white wool warp on the loom. Just thought I'd sign up here to get a jump on it. I have purchased items here over the years for other fiber projects. I have been a member of my local fiber guild for years & did their newsletter last year do that is why my email address is settspin, the name of that newsletter


Hi - I did a little bit of weaving about 10 years ago but became disabled & couldn't use the floor loom. I just got a new (to me) Dorothy Leclerc Tsble Loom so will start weaving again very soon. I'm in a fiber sculpture class so may not get to weave until end of semester but am already doing some planning as there is a white wool warp on the loom. Just thought I'd sign up here to get a jump on it. I have purchased items here over the years for other fiber projects. I have been a member of my local fiber guild for years & did their newsletter last year do that is why my email address is settspin, the name of that newsletter


Hi - I did a little bit of weaving about 10 years ago but became disabled & couldn't use the floor loom. I just got a new (to me) Dorothy Leclerc Tsble Loom so will start weaving again very soon. I'm in a fiber sculpture class so may not get to weave until end of semester but am already doing some planning as there is a white wool warp on the loom. Just thought I'd sign up here to get a jump on it. I have purchased items here over the years for other fiber projects. I have been a member of my local fiber guild for years & did their newsletter last year do that is why my email address is settspin, the name of that newsletter


It kept saying I typed the wrong code but I guess it was right as the same thing posted over & over. Sorry about that.

The WooleryGuy (not verified)

We're glad you're weaving again, thanks for joining our group!

Wooly bug

What a surprise to find you here, I have been purchasing from your store on-line for a while now. It had been mostly spinning equipment and supplies, etc., but have taken the plunge and ordered a Shacht Wolf from your company a couple weekds ago. I cannot begin to tell you how nice Nancy was on the phone, what a great lady. Keep up the good work and I'll keep returning.


The WooleryGuy (not verified)

Thanks for joining us, Wanda!  It's always nice to hear our customers' feedback!