I'll be traveling to Australia in June, and am looking for weaving places to visit while I'm in Tasmania, Melbourne, and Perth.  Any suggestions?  Thanks so much!  Monica



Not a clue, but I'm interested in hearing answers to this too! I'm hoping to go to Australia early 2015.


Hi Monica

I'm in Melbourne so here goes

1. Australian Tapestry Workshop- http://www.austapestry.com.au/

They are open for visitors a couple of days a week, their self guided tour is great.  Quite a few of the city buildings have tapestries in them and the self guided tour takes you to the buildings which are interesting themselves and there are tapestries as well.  You might even be able to get there by tram.  There is a free city tram but for anything further afield you will have to fight with our MYKI system which is not friendly to visitors.  You can't pay on the tram and the visitor passes are expensive.

2. Handweavers and Spinners Guild - http://handweaversandspinnersguildofvictoria.org.au/

Celebrating its 60th birthday this year, open 11 til 3, Tuesday to Saturday

3. TAFTA - www.tafta.org.au 

Have a look at their latest newletter for details of everything textile around the country

4. Bendigo Sheep Show - http://www.sheepshow.com/

This is on July 18 to 20 so might be a bit late for you but well worth a visit if you're still in Victoria.  About 2 hours out of Melbourne, you can get there by train and I think they run a shuttle bus to the show ground where it's held

Hope this is enough to get you started, I'm not a lot of help for Tasmania and Western Australia but perhaps some one else will reply

Send me a private message if I can help with anything else



Hi Monica

I'm in Melbourne so here goes

1. Australian Tapestry Workshop- http://www.austapestry.com.au/

They are open for visitors a couple of days a week, their self guided tour is great.  Quite a few of the city buildings have tapestries in them and the self guided tour takes you to the buildings which are interesting themselves and there are tapestries as well.  You might even be able to get there by tram.  There is a free city tram but for anything further afield you will have to fight with our MYKI system which is not friendly to visitors.  You can't pay on the tram and the visitor passes are expensive.

2. Handweavers and Spinners Guild - http://handweaversandspinnersguildofvictoria.org.au/

Celebrating its 60th birthday this year, open 11 til 3, Tuesday to Saturday

3. TAFTA - www.tafta.org.au 

Have a look at their latest newletter for details of everything textile around the country

4. Bendigo Sheep Show - http://www.sheepshow.com/

This is on July 18 to 20 so might be a bit late for you but well worth a visit if you're still in Victoria.  About 2 hours out of Melbourne, you can get there by train and I think they run a shuttle bus to the show ground where it's held

Hope this is enough to get you started, I'm not a lot of help for Tasmania and Western Australia but perhaps some one else will reply

Send me a private message if I can help with anything else


Monica Bellas (not verified)

Helen --Thank you so much! We'll be in Melbourne for a couple of days, so I'll definitely check out what you've mentioned!Monica