COME ON EVERYONE… this is a great opportunity to use your beautiful fiber creations to earn much needed money for the Japanese relief effort. Sure its wonderful to donate a portion of your sales, but why not donate an item or 2 or more to the eBay auction of fine crafts hosted by United Arts and Crafts United for Japan.

I just sent off my submission and they’ve mounted it on their homepage here.

You still have time - until midnight March 31st - to donate something you’ve created with your talented hands. If you can’t or don’t want to submit one of your pieces… please pass the word out to all your friends to bid on the auction pieces. The auction is April 8th 12pmEST to April 10th 12pmEST… so let them know! If you need help/support with the process just PM me!

A similar eBay auction for primarily pottery group Handmade for Japan generated 1000 Facebook friends for their page and raised $75,757.55 on March 25-27, 2011 eBay auction ! Fiber artists can do as well or better. THIS IS A WAY TO GET MONEY TO THE JAPANESE RELIEF EFFORT VERY SOON!!! LET’S DO IT!!!