Hello Maker-Hive-Mind!

I am trying to find the most economic and efficient way to make, or source, Tines for Viking Wool Combs! Have you made them before? What did you use for Tines? Even if you havn't made them, any suggestions are welcome!

Thanks in Advance!

Oli J



This page might help.




I don't have one, but I do have a horse main comb I got at tractor supply. It has steel tynes and has a handle. Probably no wider than the vintage comb.

It's this one: http://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/decker-scotch-type-curry-equine-comb?cm_vc=-10005


Have you seen the Peter Teal book? IIRC, he describes in detail how to make "English" wool combs, but the Viking type is not *that* different, tine-wise?

Book title something like Hand wool combing and... worsted spinning?

(And, ReedGuy, do not EVER use a wool comb on a horse! Wool combs should have sharp tines - so sharp that the patron saint of wool-combers was tortured-murdered by such combs...

Found a picture, but not able to copy it into here. But a link seems to work: "martyrdom of saint Blaise")


Oli J

But niether are quite what im looking for. I should have added a link so that you all can see approx what im looking for!

Viking Wool Comb Images - Google

I am going to make something similar and im having a problem finding the Tines. The ones ive found manufactured in a factory in bulk are really expensive, and making them and sharping them each individually looks super time consuming(unless there is a kind of "pencil-sharpener" for milling metal that is a reasonable price somewhere).



The horses are safe Kerstin. :D

I see what your after now Oli. By the time you source what you need and likely not in small quantities, you might just as well buy one from a suppier. It's like trying to get reed wire, you'd end up with enough reed wire for all weavers in a 1000 mile radius. :)

James Carroll

I often have problems sourcing materials for DIY projects.

Being new to spinning and weaving I have never seen a wool comb but the pictures you linked to look like large round wire nails available at builders merchants. Here in Ireland they are sold by weight and are quite cheap for the quantity you seem to need. Thin bright steel bar is also available in meter lengths at hardware stores. They would need sharpened but but even with a hand file, it may not take as long as you imagine.

I recently cut by hand, a 4" dia ratchet wheel with 22 teeth from 3/8" steel. I was prepared to take a whole working day to get it done but had it complete in 90 minutes.

Making things is not always less expensive and is mostly much less convient as ReedGuy pointed out. But it is always very satisfying when you get the job done. 

Oli J

Thank you Kerstin! We are looking into Peter Teals book! 

ReedGuy: Yes its still a possibility to get them from the factory in bulk, I would have to do the cost ratios for the combs though, it may be worth it. We'll see!

James: Thank you I will see what I might find at some of the more versatile hardware shops. I have looked at the selection of nails at some of the more "DIY" places(homebase, ridgeons, screwfix), and have not been happy. I need a small guage with long stem length (5-7in), in bright/stainless steel. I can find the right length, but the guage is too large.