
Ellen (not verified)

That is absolutely gorgeous! Looks both classy and soft. And I like the different widths of stripes. Good work. I can understand you will be missing it. I hope the second one turns out as well, and that you get to keep it for yourself :-)

elisabethhill (not verified)

 Beautiful.  I love how the different fibers in the stripes reflect light differently.

yarninmypocket (not verified)

That's really lovely!  An elegant, interesting design and I bet it's soft as butter, too.

amyfibre (not verified)

Really like the stripe pattern.  How did you come up with it?  Warp wrapping....or?  Just curious.

The finished scarf looks so snuggly.  Beautiful job!

zinniz (not verified)

Thanks Amy,  I did the stripe pattern on my warping board as a semi-random pattern.  I always alternated light/dark, but tried to keep a relatively even mix of fibers across the warp.  I wound it as 3 bouts of warp, then put them onto the loom in random order also.  It was nice to give up a little control :) 

zinniz (not verified)

Thanks Ellen, I hope so too!  I hope to get that scarf done this coming weekend :)  Too bad spring is here and it will be too warm to show it off... 

zinniz (not verified)

Elisabeth, that's exactly what I loved about mixing the fibers for the warp.  The hints of shine coming through are such a surprising treat! 

lkautio (not verified)

The warp striping and variations in reflectivity of the stripes is elegant!

Laurie Autio

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

 A mixed warp scarf for my sister's friend Amy.  I put on enough warp for 2 scarves, but I don't have enough gray cashmere to make the second, so the 2nd one will be tan I think.  

The cashmere was amazingly soft.  I finished with about 6" of twisted fringe.  I'm sad to see this one go in the mail.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit