I am looking for a picture of a Macomber with a section beam and a plain beam. I have the large sectional beam which I want to put on a 48 inch B4-D. Right now the plain beam is in the top holes on the inside. It doesn't look like the section beam will fit below it.



DebbieB (not verified)

I have a sectional beam, but I haven't installed it on my 32" B5 loom. It's in the back of a closet - we call it the "iron maiden" and store it safely away from accidental contact with people and cats.

I'm interested in seeing pictures as well.

Michael White

Hi Debbie, I have 5 sectional beams. They come in two different sizes, A small 3/4 yard and a 1 yard size. The 48 inch is a 1 yard size. for a 56 inch loom I have two of each. I am thinking I will have to cut down one of the 56" ones because it has a friction brake. The 48" one does not. You can not use two ratch brakes at the same time. Hoping to see pictures.



Deanna (not verified)

My Big Mac had a plain beam when I bought it.  About 5 or 10 years ago, I added a sectional beam.  I changed the plain to a friction brake and the sectional is a rachet brake as advised by Macomber.  I have had no problems with either beam or the brake system.