
Ellen (not verified)

They are really fascinating! I love the varied colours and you planning of the twill blocks.

sally orgren

These look like they are well designed and woven, and wonderfully photographed! I wish I was on YOUR holiday list, these towels are just fabulous! 

Bonnie Datta (not verified)

Did you align the variegations in the thin stripes?  I think I see that the color changes uniformly for the warps that make up a thin stripe.  I love a puzzle!!

Great weaving and design -- the texture looks perfect for a fine towel. 



tkpdx (not verified)

I'm impressed that you did this in ten or eleven days - Wow!

repweaver (not verified)

Hi, Bonnie

The color differences in the thin stripes are not as complicated as they appear. They are either all variegated (two outside thin stripes) or all grey (center thin stripe.) The rest of the warp is grey with every third end variegated.

Thank you!


repweaver (not verified)

Hi, tkpdx -

My husband was away on business for a week during the weaving of these. Otherwise I'm certain it would have taken me longer.


repweaver (not verified)

Thank you for your compliments, Sally and Ellen. I do have fun weaving and using these. They are always well received as gifts, too.


Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

Twill blocks on eight harnesses are fun to design and weave. I enjoy combining solid and variegated warp ends. The streak effect visible in the photos is due to this mixture. It is more pronounced on the light blue towel; see detail photo. Another color trick shows in the thin stripes. Can you guess how it works?

I used to joke that variegated yarns are for those of us with short attention spans. Then I thought about it and realized that I like to watch the color combinations unfold while I weave. It's full of surprises, better than fireworks and just as exciting. 


Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit