My draft is keep it simple towels in the handwoven 10 award winning towels grouping. Handwoven summer 1985 pp 84-85


Helen S

Hi Diane

In the case of this towel, you should first enter the 30 ends as shown on the draft.  Then, on the Level 1 repeats screen, enter ends 3 thru 6 8 times, then 13 thru 24 3 times, and finally ends 27 thru 30 8 times.  So you will now have three instructions in the Level 1 repeats list.  Next move to the Level 2 repeats screen and enter ends 1 thru 24 6 times.  Return to the Level 1 screen and tap on either 'With Color' or 'Without Color' to process these repeats.  WIF 'n Proof will expand these repeats to the 490 ends.

I check this forum usually once a day, but if you need immediate help it is better to email me at [email protected].  I would much rather receive an email than to find at the end of the day that you have been waiting for 8 hours for a response.
