
Ellen (not verified)

Wow!! That is a beautiful piece!. Doesn't it take ages to handpick that?? Do yoy use black for every other weft pick and multi-coloured for the others? or do you lay them in on top of each other?Intrigueing.Do you use it for a wall hanging?

bolivian warmi

Beautiful! What inspired the deisgn?

Bonnie Datta (not verified)

Hi Ellen.  Thank you.  Yes, a piece like this takes about 200 hours -- I don't keep track so I'm just estimating.  The two colours of weft alternate, and they change treadling blocks according to the pattern which I draw on my computer.  So for each pick I have to insert the weft, take it out when the colour changes, change shed, re-insert the weft, and so on.  Yes this piece is a wall-hanging.  I have sewn velcro on the top and bottom of both sides so I can hang it whichever way I want lol.



Bonnie Datta (not verified)

Hi Laverne.  Thank you.  This type of design is something I used to doodle.  I embroidered several of them, but I haven't done too many in weaving.  The basic idea is you take a simple shape (the diamonds at the top), then you start deforming the edges according to a set plan.  At each stage the deformation grows, until (at the bottom) there is quite a complex looking figure.



sally orgren


Is this design technique something you could work up into a program, lecture, or workshop? It sounds fascinating, and your results are spectactular. it would be cool to work through a few exercises with a group of weavers to see the possibilities. Pieces like this aren't just beatiful, they also make you think!

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

3/1 double-faced twill is good for many things, including wall-hangings.  I hand-pick each weft insertion to make the design.  This piece is reversible.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit