Im toying with the idea of converting my Laila From beam cords to beam aprons. But before doing so would like to check that the current cords are attached correctly. Each beam has 5 single texsolv loop cords that extend directly to the tie-on bars and are then simply wrapped round the bars and secured with a Texsolv peg, thus forming a loop. I.e 5 straight cords fro beam to bar. Is this the correct setup or is there a better way?


Joanne Hall

Hi Mike,

In my book I show three different ways to use Texsolv cord as beam cords.  None of these use the pins, as they create an extra bump on the beam.  If you write to me I will email a page of instructions with the method I like best.  This is from

Learning to Warp your Loom.

[email protected]

Mike (not verified)

Thank you yet again Joanne.  I already have your book but never thought to look there.  I can now see the way it should be set up and may take your advice from the other group I posted in and retain the cords rather than modifying to a cloth beam.  Regards Mike


When you attach your warp cords, do you place enough footage so that the warp bar extends up to the heddles when your at the end of your weave? So say your beam distance, including up over the warp beam and over to the heddles is 7 feet, your cords are measured accordingly with sufficient cord length to attach to the warp roller? This would cut down on warp wastage I assume.