I know there is a diagram in the Davenport book to thread a rh loom for 150% but what about threading it for 70%?  How do you do that?  Can I just skip 3 slots/holes randomly?  Will it leave tracking on the web?

I appreciate any assistance with this.



Karren K. Brito

 Since you have to skip pairs,a slot and and eye, to keep a plain weave structure, I threaded 4 pairs, skipped a pair to get 8epi.  You could thread 2 pairs, skip 1 pair, thread 3, skip 1 pair, thread 2 pairs, skip 1 pair and repeat for and average of 14 ends/2 inches  or 7epi.

In my experience reed marks are not very common and seem to occur in fine, unforgiving yarns.  Most yarns that you would set at 7epi are going to be lofty or fuzzy and should adjust with out reed marks when finished. 

Disclaimer:Samples are the true answer.

Claudia Segal (not verified)

Thanks Karren.  The disclaimer gave me a chuckle.  I will remember to sample but that leads me to another question.  I have all these samples from everything (almost) I have woven in the past 7 years.  What do I do with them now?  They were invaluable when testing the sett and ppi but I have saved them all and don't know what to do with them.

Any suggestions?


Karren K. Brito

You need to make a journal with all the info about each project and put each sample in it.  Yes, it is a bit of work but the work makes one think about the sucesses and problems with the projects and thus the next projects are better. 

The record becomes a valuable resource, and sometimes you can just consult a  sample in the journal and then adjust and not have to make a whole new sample. 

Artist journals are mechanisms of growth, a bit of history and momentos of one's life work.