Hi Everyone - I've spent the morning looking at posts relating to Baby Macs, and of course gone down many rabbit holes reading all sorts of other posts all things Macomber!  I have just acquired a 2012 24" Baby.  The previous owner changed the heddles and tieups to Texsolve.  I'm inclined to switch it all back to the inserted eye heddles and super hooks, as designed by Macomber.  I'm curious to learn from others whether the Texsolve conversions have held up over time, or whether I am wise to switch back to factory specifications.  BTW, I love this forum.  It has helped me understand my 40" 1970s B4, and now my 24" Baby.  



People change from the hooks to Texsolve to be able to completely fold the loom while it's tied up.  There are problems with this conversion, which you can search.  I find that if you tilt the loom forward to rest on the breast beam, it's very fast to tie up, using pliers to put the hooks on.  Tex heddles are lighter than steel, which is an ussue with a bigger loom (say 60"), but not really with a small loom.  Steel heddles are much faster to thread; Tex are easier on fragile warps.  So think about what you want to weave on it, and whether you want to take it someplace and not have to tie it up when you get there.