Hello everyone! I have a homemade RH loom with Ashford heddles and brakes. Until now everything worked smoothly, but linen (what else?) is my unsolved problem. It's a 24 dpi yarn so I threaded two 12.5 heddles. I have tried to tie the yarn at the cloth beam every way I knew (I'm not an experienced weaver though, my knowledge is limited) and nothing works. I get the hole yarns, but the slot ones are loose and no shed is made. I've tied holes to slots around the front beam (no onto it), but it's not good enough with two heddles. I could try double yarn on one heddle but I want to use the versatility of two heddles and a pick up stick. Any suggestions would be really appreciated. I love linen and I refuse to undress the loom without a fabric, nor go back to one heddle without a fight. Please help a stubborn weaver.



I'm not sure I completely understand what you have done. Rather than possibly suggesting what you have already done, can ou post pictures? This will likely help us make valid suggestions. Cheers, Erica