I'm ashamed to say that a year after purchasing my 52" B4, I'm just now getting around to refurbishing it. Best of intentions, and all that. I'm about ready to order some parts, and wanted your advice on what to get.

First, with 8 harnesses and 10 treadles, how many superhooks should I purchase? And with 8 shafts, how many heddles total do you think I should have?

I'm also thinking of getting warp and cloth beam aprons. What do I need beside the aprons? Do I need the restring kit? And do I need one of those for both beams?

Good to be back with you all... :-)



Michael White

Macomber supplies 20 heddles per weaving inch. So that would be 1040 heddles or 130 per shaft. Not many. What I would do is look at a 8 shaft draft and based on how wide you want your project figure out the number of heddles needed. You could always add more. The same with the supper hooks. Will you ever need 8 per treadle, I think not. That is 80 hooks at $1 each. Again I would look at a draft and come up with a number. On both the heddles and the hooks I would them add 10%.

Aprons? Do you have two plain beams, cloth and warp? Do you have a sectional beam? The sectional beam uses the string. The plain beams can use either. I like aprons on both the cloth and warp beam.

What else do you need, lease sticks, raddle, treading hooks, reeds, shuttles, bobbins, bobbin winder, scissors, tape measure and yes yarn. Lot and lots of yarn. A few weaving books. Keith where do you live?



The maximum number of superhooks you could use is 7 per treadle, but I doubt you would ever go there.  With a 20 shaft, I have used 160 and contemplated getting more until my poor legs quake at the thought of the weight.  You see, the more shafts you tie to a treadle, the more weight you are lifting.  Tying all but one shaft to the center treadles is doable, but once you get out to the edge treadles, and you're weaving the full width,  it's a little like playing Twister with weights.  And yes, I have tied all but one shaft to each of a couple of treadles, but not to each of the treadles.

Maybe, if I work out and get in really good shape, I could get more superhooks . . .

lkautio (not verified)

I'd consider getting 60 hooks.  Even if that is more than you need now, they occasionally bend oddly or hide in very secure locations. It is sometimes a good idea to have some of the old-style hooks too.  There are locations on the loom where the superhooks seem to like to pop off but the regular hooks stay well. 

Heddles - consider the widest piece you might want to weave and the highest number of ends per inch.  If you might weave 40" wide at 60 epi, you need a lot of heddles (2400).  If you might weave 50" wide but never go higher than 10 epi, you only need 500 (unless you might also weave 20" wide at 100 epi, then you are up to 2000).  Add some extras if you like block weaves with tie-downs on the a few shafts so you can keep extras on those shafts and not have to move them around for the occasional twill or whatever.

Laurie Autio


Dena (not verified)

I'm a Macomber junkie, but I use the old style hooks so I've got a good stash of super hooks that I could sell. PM me if you're interested.