I'm on the lookout for a new cotton source that can supply more uncommon yarn counts. Specifically I am looking for thinner yarns: 30/2 nm and finer, and singles. I would prefer unmercerized, unbleached, and as sustainable as possible. Wondering if any of you know of some secret supplier. Thanks for your help!



You could try Michael White - he seems to find unsual yarns.  Sally Fox has 2/18 unmercerized naturally coloured cottons - not sure I'd use them for warp as they are short staple but make nice weft.



tien (not verified)

Try Camilla Valley Farm - they are listing a #10 cotton singles (8400 ypp, a bit finer than 2/30 nm), unmercerized, here: http://www.camillavalleyfarm.com/knit/cotton.htm

Sara von Tresckow

You might want to go to Alibaba - a sourcing site for industrial goods. For the finer yarns, try to find a mill that makes them and see what they offer for small orders.

Hemptraders in California has hem/cotton singles that are quite fine.

Michael White

I can supply you 30/1 unmercerized cotton  ring-spun 100% double-carded cotton yarn is fast-dyed, put up on waxed cones, and stocked in over 60 colors. 25,200 yards per pound.



Georgia Yarn Company


Thanks for the suggestions, all. Will look into all the options suggested. 


Sara, have you had luck with Alibaba? I've looked into Chinese or Indian sources before, but they can be a little (extremely) difficult to deal with. Honestly, I'm more familiar with the industrial yarns and would prefer working with them, but I very strongly want to work with a domestic source.


Michael, your yarns sound great, ring spun would be ideal. I'm looking for a two ply yarn for the warp. 30 nm singles are too thin for this project (might be good for future work). Can you get 30/2 or 40/2?


Thanks again for your help!!!

Michael White

Are you looking for Nm or US standard grade cotton. How much?




Honestly, I'm looking for whatever I can get and then will make my work accordingly. To simplify, maybe let's look for US standard grade cotton. Ideally I'd like to be able to make smaller orders, say 6 pounds or so, and the reorder as needed. I can increase my order if there are minimums that need to be met. 

At this point I am only sourcing, likely won't be ready to make an order for awhile. Thanks!

Michael White

In the past most dye houses carried most size yarns. Today it it a whole new ball game. Today you have to send them the yarn you want dyed they don't keep any inventory. So you go to a spinner and since you are only looking at a small order you will have to wait untill that spinner is running the size you want. The yarn is then sent to a plier (In most cases the prier is also the dyer) Of course you are looking for natural. Now the question is how do you want it spun, OP (Open End) or RS (Ring Spun) waxed or unwaxed? Then the plier would want to know TPI and direct of twist and what size put up.



