
I was just gifted (!) with some beautiful alpaca rug yarn—the kind that's spun around a core and comes in "bumps." I'm not new to rug weaving, but the thickness of this yarn has me a little stumped. What kind of shuttle handles this stuff? I'm going to try my giant ski shuttle and my husband is going to make me a stick shuttle with huge grooves at each end. I'm going to start experimenting today. I would LOVE to hear from somebody about what you use.






OK! The giant ski shuttle works fairly well. I can get 20 yards of this yarn on it, and at 4-5 Picks per Inch (stupid self-correct program won't let me write ppi) (right...NOW it does...), 20 yards goes fairly far. Stick shuttle works ok, too. The ski shuttle would work better if it allowed for more thickness at each end. So: I've got a design and my woodworker/weaver sweetie is going to make prototypes of both ski and stick shuttles. And, by the way, the yarns gorgeous and the rug is SWEET. Will post a picture later. Jac