OK. I am trying to draft pattern 4-47-6 in my software, and I am not sure why I am having a particularly hard time, or if there is an error in the book. The pattern can be found on page 114, with the picture on page 157. I will post my results so if you can figure out where I have missed something, much appreciated!

I know Powell has a bit of an unconventional way to describe her threading/treadling, but I am referencing her "magic key" on page 10.

Let me know what you think. I keep thinking I made an error someplace and just can't see it!

FYI, I started the threading at the left, and the treadling at the bottom of the draft.




sequel (not verified)

But isn't shadow weave woven in a 2/2 twill?  Your tie-up is 3/1...

sally orgren

Thank you! Thank you!

I had to go back to page 9, where there was the "magic key" for the tieup, rising shed. (I think I have been working too much and not weaving enough this month!)