The management team for Weavolution is looking to add one or two members to join the partnership.

As we grow and improve we are looking for someone who is...

committed to Weavolution

willing and able to devote 8-10 hours/week to reading, writing and responding to development changes

be available for one hour of management meetings one evening or Sunday morning every week

has strong communication skills

is looking to be part of the team

Those are a few of the qualifications.  If you are interested in talking about becoming part of the management team, please contact Claudia at claudiajane at weavolution dot com.

Claudia, Alison and Tien

The Weavolution Team



I'd love to help, but I'd have to learn to sleep faster! 

kbird (not verified)

I am willing to help, but my time committments will have to be spotty.  If you need something specific, feel free to try me though.  (I am a software engineer by trade... but my html knowledge is limited.)

Meanwhile, I will do my best to be a participating member of Weavolutionaries, and lets see if I can help you develop/evaluate/test the site.


claudia (not verified)

Thank you Kay.  I will be in touch next week. 

Claudia, co-founder, Weavolution