Monday, March 16, 2009
Fourty Years Ago Today……

Well not quite, but close. I started weaving when I was nineteen. If you are fussy about the math, well, let’s just say it is pretty darn close to forty years ago that I began my love and fascination with the grid and patterns composed of threads.

About a month ago, I decided to create this blog about my connection with the loom of my choice, the Macomber Loom. This fine machine, made just around the corner from my house/studio, has been built by the same family since 1936. It dawned on me that Macomber Looms has no website itself. So I have taken up the task of creating this blog to tell stories about my connections to Macomber Looms and welcome others to contribute.

As a weaver who has used a Macomber Loom for 35 years and a sales rep for the looms, I am well acquainted with the loom’s history and the possibilities that this equipment offers to weavers of all abilities.

This first posting is just to say “hello”. I will be posting soon with photos of the Macomber shop, the loom builders and my current projects on my 56” Macomber.

I am a sales rep for Macomber Looms and have been selling their equipment for 25 years.

Times they are a-changin’
As the great folk poet Bob Dylan sang, the times they are a-changing. Beginning August 1, 2011, I will be taking a sabbatical from my job as a sales rep for Macomber Looms. There are a few reasons I have decided to take this break, but the primary one is that I must focus more of my time and energy to “Woven Voices: Messages from the Heart”, the global community peace project that I launched almost four years ago. This project is at a pivotal point and demands my full attention.

In addition to this global peace project, this fall I will be completing my master thesis for my degree in Art and Healing from Wisdom University.

So for at least until early November, I will no longer be taking orders, answering questions or problem solving for you dear weavers. I feel very torn about this decision, but I know in my heart it is the right thing to do at this time.

After August 1st, you can call the shop directly at 207-363-2808. Please mention that you got the phone number from me.

Woven Voices ~ Messages from the Heart
An interactive global art project inspired by Tibetan prayer flags, Shinto paper prayers, and the Buddhist concept of impermanence.

This information was copied from Sarah’s blog by me to inform the many Macomber owners that have ask me what Sarah was doing.




In 2010, Sarah mentions someone creating a PDF version of her blogs into a Macomber Manual. Do you know if this ever happened?


Michael White

No I don't, but I will send her an email on her person account and ask her.

Michael White

Here is Sarah reply,

Dear Michael:

I am doing was not a great summer for dear brother Wes was killed mid-August in a construction related accident. Go to my Woven Voices blog and go back a few entries to learn more.

And otherwise, life goes on. My thesis has been delayed naturally.
And sadly the person who volunteered to put together the PDF of info has totally disappeared. Not sure what happened, but there have been no response to my emails to this person. So alas, no PDF. Sorry!

Hope all is well with you and your weaving community.
Peace, Sarah


SDSue (not verified)

Hi Michael and everyone else:

I have begun a wonderful task and need your help. I have contacted Sarah and asked if I could make the PDF for her and she said yes! At this point I am only gathering the info from her blog and comments on the blog. I will also add the files that she has for the price list, and the set up for the portable looms. YOUR HELP: please tell me what other things I need to add to this PDF. I would like to know if there are other photos that anyone would like to donate to this PDF, or other information. Sarah and I want to make this as comprehensive as possible. I hope to have this done very soon, unless of course there are lots of suggestions that you all have that need to be incorporated. 8-) So, please let me know what you want to see in this "manual". You can contact me at [email protected]. Thanks!

Michael White

I guess you have your winter project set for your long SD winter. There is a lot of information here and on the Ravelry Macomber group sites you could add to the PDF file. I will send you an email with my offer of help.


sequel (not verified)

I just checked back on the Macomberloomsandme and still no posts.  I hate to be a nit picker, but she did say early November... I hope all is well as I am so looking forward to Sarah's return to the Macomber world.

Penn (not verified)

Sarah said, "So for at least until early November, I will no longer be taking orders, answering questions or problem solving for you dear weavers." I read "at least" as meaning that would be the earliest. Based on her projects, her thesis, the holidays, etc. (all info from her blogs), I wouldn't have thought it likely she'd be back until 2012. SDSue is in touch with her and may be able to give us an update, if Sarah wishes.

SDSue (not verified)

Sarah has posted on her blog today Nov 9. She also has the pdf available please check out her blog:

Thanks! Sue

Michael White

Sarah loss her brother this summer setting back her work on her university work. It is good to see that she is back bloging.
