Salutations Weavolution!

Have you missed us? We know we have been fairly quiet of late, but you have been busy sharing your knowledge with, inspiring, and encouraging each other. We have been keeping an eye on the site and all the great things our community has been doing this past month. We have been celebrating our family. Our visit to the US included trips to see most of our family, which was inspring indeed. As Erica's family mostly lives in Missouri, it also inspired a new appreciation for English weather, which is less humid (believe it or not) and below 105 degree heat index! :)

Last week we celebrated TJ's first birthday! It was so wonderful sharing that moment with him and our friends. Every moment with him is special, but it is especially joyeous to celebrate his growth with friends and family, like fininshing a particularly challenging piece of weaving and taking it show your guild members or receiving praise for it here! TJ received numerous gifts from friends and family duirng our travels. We feel the biggest gift we can share with him is inspiration, encouragement, and learning, all the things we love to see on Weavolution.

We are coming up on our 2nd anniversary as Weavolution's owners as we do that we are looking back and celebrating our growth. Much of our growth so far has been learning. We have learned a lot about Drupal, Weavoltuion's Content Management System and about running such a large website. We thank everyone who has been so supportive. We have also recently expanded the line of Cyberfiber Classes to include prerecorded classes.

As always Daryl Lancaster is pioneering this venture for us and you can see the classes she is offering on the classes page. The advantage of these classes is you can fit them into your busy schedules. We have heard from many of you that you long to take the classes offered here, but can not find a time that meets your needs. This is our response to your input! The classes are ready to go. When you sign up for a class, you will recieve log in information for Cyber Fiber, if you don't already have access, and a link to view the class online. Unlike other videos and DVD's you will have access to the class 24 hours for at least 3 months. This arrangement will allow our teachers to refresh and update their class content, so we're not locked into the class as it is now. As a teacher, Erica knows classes evolve over time and this will allow us to keep offering the most up to date version of our class range.

We have several more ideas about expanding to meet more of your needs and look forward to finding a way to do so in the months and years to come. Last weekend we visited Fibre East in Bedfordshire, where we spoke to many potential new advertisers. Some of these advertisers had interesting ideas about how we can better meet your needs. We will be working on these and testing viability. We hope you look forward to more future innovations.

As always happy weaving,

Oliver, Erica, and  TJ



Hi to the 3 of you, I'm glad you had a good visit in the States, in spite of the heat(!), but there is nothing like getting back home after a long holiday! I just want to say thank you for the many improvements you have brought to Weavolution , how responsive you are when there is a problem, and the constant willingness to look to the future for the improvement of Weavolution . You make a great team, we're lucky to have you! Cathie


Hard to believe how quickly time flies!  Good to hear you had a good trip.  




This summer has been lovely. Oliver and I have worked out a great system for ensuring we both spend time on the site each day. And being home wiht TAJ has been a real joy. He is walking and even climbing now. So we've had to make some changes, the coffee table is now a stage rather than a place to set your drinks. But we're having a great time.

We are equally excited about further improvements. Some change is scary, but we find site improvements to be really exciting. I suppose their more innovations than change and perhaps that is the difference!

