

The rugs are lovely! Hopefully the next one will have fewer or no "life" events to interfere with the weaving. Joan is very fortunate.

repweaver (not verified)

I appreciate your kind comment and best wishes. It has been just a bit too exciting around here lately. Joan and her family have been very dear to us for many years.


repweaver (not verified)

Thank you, Broderie.


Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

These are rugs I wove for my friend, Joan. She and her husband totally remodeled their house with new hardwood flooring throughout, new kitchen cabinets and miles of granite countertops. I was a bit nervous undertaking this project. Joan is a fantastic quilter and a fine designer with a keen color sense. The weaving was far from carefree since I worried about squaring the design on two different-sized rugs. And, of course, I had two sets of standards to live up to -- hers and mine.

This project took a very long time to complete because things just kept coming up. We travelled, had two sets of house guests, our brand new washing machine malfunctioned and flooded an area of our house which included my studio, and my husband suffered an attack of kidney stones. After two trips to the hospital, he is feeling better. But the water stains remain on my carpeting and Whirlpool has not been exactly comsumer-friendly. How I miss my 31 year-old Maytag. Alas!

In the end, the rugs turned out well and Joan is very happy with them and has requested another one in a different pattern for another room. Let's hope this one doesn't take nearly as long to weave.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit