Newbie Question.  I just started working on my Ashford RHL that came with a 7.5 inch reed. (Love this RHL!)  I am learning that the dent size is good for heavier fibers.  I think I'd like another size reed for lighter weight projects.  If you were only able to afford one new reed, what size would you get and why? (My choices are 5, 10 and 12.)  Thanks in advance.


seaphish (not verified)

I would weave with what you have for a while until you are inspired to try a specific project.  Buy a new reed when you have a good idea about what you want to do with it.


francorios (not verified)

Size 5 is for heavier yarns, so that leaves 10 or 12.

10 is still fairly heavy so you would go to 12 for a significant change in yarn size.

Have a good day!