Hi, I have a Kircher Rahmen loom, (it may be a counterbalance I am not sure) it came with a wooden reed that has 3 dents per inch (I think I have that right)

They have a website shop and it seems it is the only reed they sell for the loom. I was given the loom and it has no instructions with it and I have  managed to 

translate most of their website but I can't find a manual or any other information. I am just curious as to why that particular reed would come with the loom.

From what I can make out its  a  Aufbauwebrahmen - Model  MUVT,  it may be a an older version of this though. 



I found this online:


Also the Woolery sells RH parts and accessories. I don't know if they'll fit the Kircher but it's worth checking into.

Also Sara VT talks about one on her website. Apparently she has one, or did. She probably has a lot of info too.


Good luck.


Sara von Tresckow

Oh, Good Grief. I just went to the Kircher site -


They still make the widest and most exotic array of heddles on the market. I had a 15 dent from them in the 70's and they also make finer ones as well as special heddles with strange combinations of 3 rows of holes and extra slots. You'll need to read some German, but they make a very nice loom with lots of accessories. "Kamm" is the term for heddle, and if you look at the picture of a heddle width, it says "details" and you click on that to get the variations. You need to measure your loom in centimeters - they make 40cm(Schulwebrahmen or school loom), 60cm, 80cm and 100cm.

They also have Ursula Kircher's "Weben Auf Rahmen", a complete book on rigid heddle weaving for a free download.


Thanks for  replying. I did finally find  the reeds on that site, (I just popped in here  to remove my question and found the replies) I had a tab open with a translation tool and did a bit of copy and paste and managed to decipher most of what it said. I have emailed them twice to no avail. I have a German friend who may be able to help me order from them. We had such a hard time putting the loom together as we had pieces missing and pieces that didn't belong and I am a total novice to all things weaving. 


Thanks for taking the time to help.