Have a question. I have my stocks made and have made the 3 color combination.

Can you please explain (again) the steps to making the dye bath water that I'm going to add to my 2.25g of mixed stock?

Thank you.



Karren K. Brito

Ok for the first time let's make 1L (about 1qt) of dye bath:

measure water into a container

add Glauber's salt--if you are using 2g/L, weigh out 2g. stir to disolve.

add A.SET-- if you are using 1g/L then add 1g

add some sodium aetate, say 1/4tsp. Stir to disolve.

Add vinegar or acetic acid.  Measure pH.  If too high add more acid, if too low add more, a tsp., of sodium acetate. Continue adding and checking pH until you get to pH 4.5-4.7. 

Your dyebath is now ready for use. 

You can measure out say 250mL for each skein.   You can use this dyebath until it is gone, or you decide to change the amount of salt or A. Set, or it grows mold.


Mary Rios (not verified)

thank you ! so once my dyebath is made, and i've added the fiber and taken the fiber out, i'm going to mix 2.25g of my stock in the dyebath.

Why are we measuring in g like this when up to now we've used the flasks and volumne measures for litres? that's throwing me a bit.

Karren K. Brito

You can measure either 2.3g or 2.3mL since it is water and 1g = 1mL.

Measuring 2.3mL can be difficult with common "kitchen" tools, but I know you have a balance that can weigh 2.3g accurately. You can do which is easier for you, either measure volume or weight.