I have a question on a draft. The instructuons say: "on each side sley 3 ends per dent for the last two dents." Is that saying 3 ends for the last two on each side for a total of 12 ends or is it saying 6 ends for the 2 ends?


Yvonne K

I would give that instruction your first interpretation, Melissa - 12 ends total.

JudithA (not verified)

I learned to weave many years ago in Sweden.  I am just now getting back to it, having forgotten most of it.  I read somewhere that Swedish counterbalanced drafts show the shed with harnesses pulled down, while US draft patters mostly show a rising shed.  Also the numbering of the harnesses seems to be reversed - Swedish: harness 1 is at the back; US: harness 1 is in front. So I'm having trouble figuring out how to thread, and tie-up for Rosepath on four shafts/6 treadles.

Erica J

I answered this more fully on your post in Glimakra loom owners. Again I amnot sure about Swedish and US conventions. I can tell you that an X generally means a sinking shaft and a O means a lifting shaft, so maybe those notation convention helps out.


Which way one numbers shafts does not matter. Whether you use a rising shed tie-up or a sinking shed tie-up depends on the loom one is working with, but if the tie-up does not match the loom, the pattern will be on the underside of the cloth. A sample will quickly tell you and you can switch the tie-up is you want. I tend to use the tie-up that use the fewest harnesses to lift, as it is easier for me.

To change between US and Swedish draft styles, I recommend Fiberworks-PCW software. This is the web site:


It is created by Ingrid and Bob, weaver and programmer. There is a demo version you can check out. The software has both PC and MAC versions. It can shift shaft numbering between number 1 being the closest to the weaver and the farthest. Also, the tie-up rectangle can be set to be in any corner. It will also will fill the threading and treadling with several standard weaving styles, Rosepath being one of them. It is well worth the money.