Hello everyone! I have been very fortunate to receive so many great ideas! With that and my own research I have decided on the make & model of the Schacht Flip Loom. I had thought the 25" width sounded sufficient but I am wondering if the 30" would be the better way to go? The price difference is only about $50, the stand is the same for both models. Heddle cost only about $7 more for the larger size. Can anyone give me ideas of what the advantage of the extra size would be? What sort of different projects would the larger size allow that would be beneficial? All your ideas and sharing are greatly appreciated as this loom will need to be ordered out of province so I can't exchange it. Many thanks!




Hi.  25" is plenty wide for many projects including scarves, kitchen towels, placemats, etc.  Also, being just 25" it's a little more portable for taking it with you.   My guess is if you love weaving, you are going to also want a floor loom fairly soon :-)   You can go for a wider width on that!



Thank you so much for your guidance but I dont have any space for a floor loom in our home so I must choose the size of this loom considering that fact. Many thanks!


You mentioned that you do not have enough space for a floor loom. Please bear in mind that the larger the rigid heddle the longer the shuttle is going to be.  Thus you must have enough room for it to come out of the loom and turn around to go back into the shed.  I would think that the 25" would be suffficient.  You can always join woven pieces together.