I have an old Bergman countermarch loom with 8 shafts that I am still learning on and a new 27.5" 8-shaft Louet Jane table loom.  I recently was in Canada and saw some demonstrations of rag rug weaving on antique 2-shaft loom.  Some of the rugs were gorgeous and I would like to do a few of them.  The Bergman would work but has a double tie-up that takes forever.  I really liked doing some towels on the Jane.  I think that because it has a hanging beater, I might be able to do a small rag rug without destroying the loom.  Has anyone tried this?


Vicki Parrish


Su Butler

HI Vicki....if the Jane is as sturdy as the Louet Kombo table loom, you will have no issues with weaving a rug.  I once took one of Jason Collingwoods rug weaving classes and used my Kombo, and got more ppi than weavers using Glimarka floor looms......very sturdy table looms!

Su :-)

vparrish (not verified)

Thanks, Su.  I'm pretty impressed with the Jane.  I just got the stand for it and it looks pretty sturdy to me.




If you are at all concerned, I'd contact Jane Stafford and ask if she thinks it would be okay.  I can't see any problem doing one or two on a small loom, though.




Just be sure and keep everything tightened up on your loom.  That will keep it square (the loom and the weaving) and ensure that joins on the loom don't take extra stress. Smaller looms just seem to loosen up easily so you just have to do the loom maintenance.   Remember when you beat to lean back and press hard against the weft and change sheds to lock the weft down.  You'll get more pack and less stress on your body.  Don't slam it, the weft will just bounce back.  You'll get more pack and less stress on your body. 

There is a great rug group on yahoo that has existed for years in yahoo...here's the link


regards  Deb