
claudia (not verified)

So glad you were able to post this pictures.  Looks like a very nice rug. 


sally orgren

Your color choice is excellent, and I see you weave on a Glimakra, so that helps explain your passion for rep. I image this weaves up like butter on that loom! 

I hope you will continue to post more photos of your projects!

repweaver (not verified)

Thank you, Sally. Color is a very big deal for me. I love lining up cones of warp, arranging and rearranging them until the combination seems just right. Then when I warp, changes to my original idea sometimes happen. When a rug comes off my loom and hits the floor it can seem as if I'm seeing it for the first time. Weaving is an adventure through and through!

bolivian warmi

Been waiting for you to put your photo in this post as the colors sounded so enticing. Lovely! 

repweaver (not verified)

Thank you! Finished weaving the second rug on the warp today and am looking for rags for rug #3. 

Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

With this rep rug warp I intend to accomplish a number of goals:

Reduce my rag stash - use up odds and ends.

Experiment with stripes and various colorways.

Play with asymmetric design.

Pave the way for a future project using previously painted warps.

Number of Shafts
Number of Treadles
Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit